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The water cycle is teaches students about how water cycles through the earth’s atmosphere, down to earth, and back again. There are several terms the go along with this cycle including the 4 major ones: evaporation, condensation, precipitation, transpiration.
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This game is reviews the terms assoicated with the water cycle. This is a mini game so there are only a few questions, but is great for any type of review group including individuals, small groups, or as a whole group.
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You can even even print this game out and use them as task cards. This blog post will show you how to create task cards from any powerpoint game.
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As a special treat, you can find a free recording sheet down below. Simple, yet effective! 2 recording sheets per page makes it a great printer and paper saver!
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If you would like to grab this game, you can get it here: Water Cycle Vocabulary Mini Game I also have science other games including Weather Vocabulary and Ecosystem Vocabulary.
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