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Graphs in math are an easy topic to discuss. There are so many kinds of graphs. Common graphs like bar graphs and picture graphs. There are some less commonly used ones like box-and-whiskers plots. One of my 2 favorite graphs is the Bar graphs.
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Bar Graphs use bars to show different amounts. Each bar is a different color, though some bar graphs can be the same color. The bottom of the graphs display the different objects that are measured. The left side displays the amounts, starting at 0 and rises up in different increments (usually by 2’s, 5’s or 10).
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Bar Graphs are easy to understand. Their simplicity make it a great introductory graph. Bar graphs are used to show and compare different amounts of objects. This particular game asks questions about 3 different graphs: favorite color, favorite ice cream flavor, and favorite season.
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Questions range from asking total of favorites, most/least favorite, total number of students asked, and comparing 2 favorites (how many more . . . ). The game can be played on smartboards (as shown above), tablets, iPad, or any device that has Microsoft Powerpoint or Microsoft Powerpoint Viewer (free).
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If you would like to purchase this game, you can get it here: Bar Graphs Mini Powerpoint Game. I also have graph games for Picture Graphs, Tally Marks, Line Graphs, and Line Plots.
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